Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nothing Rotten about Denmark-2

 Goodbye Copenhagen. Things we didn't do:

Now we head north for a museum and a castle, and then west to spend the night before we catch ferries to Aarhus.

First stop, The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebæk. What a wonderful museum and a beautiful setting! When we arrived there were kids rolling down a grassy hill by the Nivå Bay.

View upon arrival

Beautiful gardens

There was an extensive exhibit of Chaïm Soutine, but we really were attracted to the Bourgeois X Giacometti exhibit. Bourgeois' Spider Couple is fascinating. Menacing, until you read that her mother was a weaver. And the larger spider is protecting the smaller spider.

Spider Couple - I'm on the right

Hero shot of spiders

David was also able to see one of Kusama's light installations.

After a lovely lunch in the cafe (raw asparagus again) we head to explore the Kronborg Castle, the setting for  Shakespeare's Hamlet. As it was a fort, it didn't have a lot of embellishment and is rather somber.


Entry archway





We booked a room at the Lynæs Hotel in Hundested. Katrine Sørensen and Henrik Wich-Nielsen bought the hotel five years ago and have done a wonderful job of updating and restoration. They are gracious and attentive hosts.

Lynæs Hotel (from their web site)

Dining room (from their web site)

The first thing I noticed when we entered the dining room were impressive, large paintings on the walls. The artist is Katrine's father, Arne Haugen Sørensen, a well known Danish painter. 
Besides running the hotel, Katrine and Henrik also host music nights and I can imagine how much fun they must be!

View from our room

Hundested is a charming town, with an active port, arts community and places to explore such as a lighthouse, shops and galleries and a sand sculpture park.

For dinner we headed to Restaurant Havfruen and experienced a national dish called Stjerneskud - A Shooting Star (named to honor Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen). It's a large, no, enormous open-face "sandwich" with toast, salad greens, fried and steamed plaice, sauce, a PILE of shrimp, boiled egg, asparagus (raw), caviar and garnished with lemon and dill. I didn't think I could eat the whole thing but I did–delicious!

Image from Seggelund

The next morning we took one ferry from Hundested to Sjaellands, and a second from Sjaellands to Aarhus. Aarhus is the next!

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